I’m Sheila Englehart, Certified Master Life Coach and practical Tarot consultant. I’m also the author of Psychic Savvy, and other books.
Grew up working on a working horse farm and went straight to corporate America from high school. I managed to work in the financial, commercial, medical, and service industries for more than 20 years before leaving to practice hypnotherapy. Tarot and dowsing followed, and life coaching fit right in. I’ve also been writing since I could pick up a pencil (although my penmanship did a backslide.)
My Master Life Coaching certification came from the American Union of NLP, and I’m ordained by the Light and Energy Workers Association, a member of the American Tarot Association, and World Divination Association.

Tarot Readings
I do not tell fortunes or issue fear-based predictions, but offer full disclosure interpretations, so the client sees the possibilities with which to make their own decisions.
My job is to pragmatically empower by following the narrative in the cards and my intuition.
With that compass, I help chart a direction, validate what you already know, yet might not trust, and offer options you may not have considered.